Douglas Area Rural Transit (DART) Services
Douglas Area Rural Transit (DART) is committed to providing transportation to the residents of Douglas County. We offer two distinct options for those general public, seniors and ADA riders who choose DART for their transportation needs. Each of our buses is equipped with wheelchair lifts and bike racks for your convenience.
DART Express route: This route is specifically designed for those needing access to Minden, Gardnerville and the Gardnerville Ranchos. Transfer points have been built into the route to afford access to Carson City and South Lake Tahoe by transfer to Tahoe Transportation District (TTD).
DART Dial-A-Ride: This is a shared ride service for riders seeking curb to curb service. This route is open to all public riders with primary emphasis to Seniors 60 years and older and ADA riders who need assistance in boarding or require a lift for loading. Seniors 60 years and older and ADA riders are required to request eligibility through application found in the Senior and ADA Rider Handbook. DART Dial-A-Ride provides scheduled rides for shopping, medical appointments, recreation, Senior Center and much much more. Please provide as much notice as possible to our dispatcher when scheduling Dial-A-Ride appointments.
Request for DART Dial-A-Ride eligibility please read and fill out the DART Senior & ADA Rider Handbook
Reasonable Accommodations/Modifications (English)
Reasonable Accommodations/Modifications (Spanish)
Please click here for a CURRENT DART Express Schedule
Please click here for a Current Eastern Sierra Transit Schedule
Title VI Notice of Protection Against Discrimination
2022 DART Implementation Program SIGNED 8.2.2022.pdf
DART Title VI Complaint Procedures (English)
DART Title VI Complaint Procedures (Spanish)
Title VI Complaint Form (English)
Title VI Complaint Form (Spanish)