Douglas County implemented its initial Comprehensive Trails Plan in 2003, aiming to establish a framework for trail development and connectivity. The new plan has been finalized and utilized to ensure it remains relevant and responsive to the changing needs and preferences of the community.
The Douglas County Comprehensive Trails Plan 2023 offers a vision for a trail system that connects Douglas County residents and visitors to each other and their natural environment. The plan is more than “lines on a map” - it demonstrates how a county-wide system of pathways and trails can promote quality of life, economic development, and resilience.
The Plan is a blueprint, informed by public priorities, that will guide the County and its partners as they design, fund, build, and maintain a high-quality system of routes and trails over time.
Douglas County Trails Plan Adopted
Click here for more information

See here for Appendices.pdf

If you have additional comments, concerns, or questions,
please contact:
Brook Adie
Assistant Director Community Services, Douglas County
[email protected]
Derek Kirkland
Principal Planner, Wood Rodgers
[email protected]