What is CASPER?

Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) is a survey process developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that collects household-based information about the community. This information is gathered through interviews with randomly selected households throughout the community. A CASPER can be done before a disaster to help emergency officials better prepare to support our community or after a disaster to determine the needs of the community.

An executive summary of the results can be found here. 

Why is Douglas County doing a CASPER Survey?

Quad-County Public Health Preparedness is partnering with Douglas County Emergency Management, local fire departments, and Douglas County Sheriff’s Office to conduct a CASPER to gather emergency preparedness information from community members. This information will be kept private and no personal information such as your name or place of birth will be collected. The results will be used to improve Douglas County’s emergency preparedness and response plans.

Why Open Your Door?

We want to make Douglas County better prepared for future emergencies or disasters and we need your help! An emergency or disaster can strike at any time. If the community is prepared for a disaster, they are more likely to recover quickly. The information you provide will allow us to determine how prepared Douglas County residents are and help us identify areas in which we can help the community become better prepared. The CASPER survey teams will be clearly identified. They will have red vests on that are labeled “CASPER Survey Team”. Team members will also have a “CASPER” lanyard and badge. If you see one of these teams walking around in the community, stop and say “hi”!

Download our CASPER flyer.