Douglas County Accepting Waitlist VHR Applications From July 1 – July 31 Applications Can be Submitted Online, In-Person, Or by Mail
Minden, NV - Douglas County will begin accepting waitlist applications from July 1, 2022, through July 31, 2022, to qualify for New Vacation Home Rental permits. Renewal permits do not need to apply for the waitlist. The online application and the PDF application can be found here. Applications for the waitlist will ONLY be accepted during this period. Douglas County created an online registration and application guide to assist applicants with completing the online process. Applicants will need to register first before applying. The public is strongly encouraged to review this guide before submitting an online application.
Applications may be submitted in the following ways:
Online– Click here to apply electronically. (Please see guide)
In-person- Click here to print a paper application or pick one up at the address listed below.
Douglas County Community Development Department
1594 Esmeralda Avenue
Minden, NV 89423
By Mail- Click here to print a paper application. Applications submitted by mail (see mailing address below), must be received by Douglas County by July 31st. Late submittals will not be accepted for any reason.
Douglas County Community Development Department
Attn: VHR Program
P.O. Box 218
Minden, NV 89423
Waitlist Process
After the waitlist application period closes (July 31st), position on the waitlist will be determined through a randomized selection process conducted by an independent third party selected by the County. The results of this process will be presented at a public meeting of the Vacation Home Rental Advisory Board in August 2022. The time, place, and manner of this meeting will be posted to the agenda center on the County’s website and a public announcement will be made.
Once a permit becomes available if selected from the waitlist, and upon notification, applicants will then have 60 days to meet all of the conditions of a VHR permit as determined by the County and pay the necessary fees. If it is determined by the County the applicant is unable to meet all of the conditions of the permit, the permit allocation will go back into a pool and the next applicant on the waitlist will qualify to apply for a permit.
The applicant must apply annually at the appropriate time, to be placed on the waitlist. Douglas County is not obligated to provide notice to the applicant that the waitlist is being renewed.
Waitlist Limitations
- Incomplete applications, or applications submitted without the appropriate fee, will not be processed or accepted.
- Douglas County reserves the right to cancel the waitlist and/or discontinue or modify the waitlist process at any time.
- Applicants may only apply for one position on the waitlist per person, per family each year (member of the same household). Failure of the applicant to comply with this provision may subject them to removal from the waitlist.
- Placement on the waitlist does not guarantee a permit. Applicants must still meet eligibility requirements and comply with application requirements.
- VHR Permits are limited to one per person, per family (members of the same household). Applicants that have an interest in any other property currently permitted as a VHR or that have a pending VHR application may not apply to be on the waitlist.
- Failure of the applicant to comply with any of the provisions of Chapter 20.622 of the Douglas County Code may disqualify them from being placed on the waitlist, subject them to removal from the waitlist and expose the applicant to possible criminal prosecution, civil suits, fines, and fees.
- Advertising for or operating a VHR without a permit will result in a fine of up to $20,000 and the applicant will be permanently banned from obtaining a VHR permit in Douglas County.
- Each year the waitlist applications will be accepted from July 1st through July 31st of the calendar year ONLY.
For more information about VHRs in Douglas County please visit the County’s VHR webpages or contact Douglas County Code Enforcement at (775) 783-6027.